Building Integrity Institutional Enhancement Course: Integrity Action Plan (BI-IAP)

In cooperation with
Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector (CIDS) - Department Head for the Building Integrity Discipline and NATO International Staff - Requirement Authority for the Building Integrity Discipline

ETOC Course Code BIT-BI- 36711
Eprime course code ACT.935 (from 2024)
Course duration 4 days
Frequency once a year
Class size Maximum number of students per Iteration: 15 (addresses NATO partner countries and all countries taking part in the BI Self-Assessment and Peer Review Process.)
  • Civilian and military personnel in defence institutions working with integrity and policy development, including decision making related to Human Resources Management
  • civilians occupying similar positions in civilian organizations.

Course goals:

  • The course aim is to provide a practical guide to the development and implementation of an integrity action plan for the defence sector.

Target Audience:

  • Practitioners responsible for BI and anti-corruption action planning and implementation in national defence institutions and NCS/NFS.

Language qaalification:

  • English language proficiency as described in STANAG 6001-2222
    (listening (fair/2), speaking (fair/2), reading (fair/2), and writing (fair/2).

Training Strategy:

  • The course is held over three to five days and the format includes plenary lectures, syndicate work and table-top exercises, discussions led by subject matter experts, and case studies. Active engagement from participants is required throughout the course.
  • The course is taught on DRESMARA site in Brasov.
  • Lectures are conducted in an interactive manner, which facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences between professors and course participants. These sessions are followed by syndicate and seminar work, in which course participants are required to solve various problems, case studies and practical activities, whose conclusions or solutions are then presented in front of the entire class as briefings and assessed by the instructors.


  • PO 1: By understanding what constitutes Integrity Building in the wider perspective and context, according to internationally recognized standards for best practice, the participants will put the impact on corruption risks in their own defence establishment into context and will provide arguments for how an integrity action plan can mitigate the risks;
  • PO 2: By discussing the assessment and analysis tools available, ways and ends for encouraging support and ownership the participants will explain how to assess and analyze corruption risks, and what tools are available and how to build support.
  • PO 3: By understanding the need for a broad strategy for developing and implementing an integrity plan and how to link it to the political context the participants will provide ideas on strategy models, scopes and the politics involved.
  • PO 4: By identifying which factors to take into consideration when drafting and producing, subsequently leading to implementation of an integrity action plan the participants will provide insightful and systematic arguments for good planning of integrity plan development.
  • PO 5: By examining what factors must be considered which influence the implementation of an integrity action plan the participants will provide insight into the transition from planning and drafting to make the implementation phase work.
  • PO 6: By summarizing how evaluation and monitoring processes can be organized and followed up in order to get expected results the participants will provide insight into the most important factors to consider in the evaluation and monitoring phases.